Wednesday, February 24, 2010

16 Years Wedding Anniversary Wishes Should I Tell My Parents About My Brother? Read Details Inside!?

Should I tell my parents about my brother? Read details inside!? - 16 years wedding anniversary wishes

Nine years ago my brother came home late at night, in the hope that the house is empty, and fell down the stairs with another boy. I am only ten years to my room and was in total shock. That night, my parents were married, I have (in a friend's house, the plans were changed last minute), and my brother (16 years old) was at a party. Long story short, I explained that I was gay, the gay means, etc.

Six years later he took his secret to his grave, as he led a coup by a drunk driver killed. Do not know approaching the third anniversary of his death and what to do now. Sometimes I talked to want to leave our parents, but they can never be enough to create value.
\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ U0026lt;br> Our parents are loving and mature. I'm not sure they are 100% acceptance of gay and lesbian life, but I know that if they knew when one of his children would help if gay. I feel that my parents have the right to know about my brother, but I've always felt that my obligation of confidentiality to my brother. I do not think that I have to say his wish to have dishonor. If he were alive today, would be almost 25 years and I am sure he would have said, for now.

What should I do? Even if you think I should say, how should I do?


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